Federal & State Aid
Various State & Federal Student Aid Programs

在政府预算最后确定之前,估计联邦和州赠款. Following are brief descriptions of the major programs.
To be considered for one of these awards, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
Quincy University’s FAFSA school code is 001745.
Federal Pell Grant
- 2023-24学年,符合条件的学生可获得692 - 6895美元的资助.
- Application must be made annually with the FAFSA at studentaid.gov
- 联邦佩尔助学金计划为符合条件的攻读学位的本科生提供基于需求的助学金. 该奖项的金额基于预期家庭贡献(EFC)和学生注册的学分数. 佩尔助学金仅限于12个全日制学期. This award is only for first Bachelors degree.
Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)
联邦SEOG是一项有限的基金奖励,提供给有大量经济需求的攻读学位的本科生. 与联邦佩尔助学金一样,这些资金只适用于第一个学士学位. 根据联邦指导方针,优先考虑最需要佩尔助学金的学生.
Federal Work-Study Programs (FWS)
- 该项目为有明确需求的学生提供兼职、校内就业机会.
- 这个项目的学生通常每周工作8-12小时.
- Most jobs are on campus.
- 财政援助办公室将在我们的网站上发布有关校园工作学习工作的信息. FWS职位有限,优先考虑在FAFSA上表示对联邦工作学习感兴趣并符合优先申请日期的学生.
Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loan Program
- 该计划使本科生每年最多可借3美元,500 for freshmen, $4,500 for sophomores, and $5,500 each for juniors and seniors.
- 父母可以借PLUS贷款的受抚养本科生可以通过无补贴的联邦直接贷款计划每年额外借2000美元.
- 父母不能借PLUS贷款的本科生和符合联邦独立标准的本科生可以在大一和大二期间通过无补贴的联邦直接贷款计划每年额外贷款6000美元,而大三和大四的学生每学年可以额外贷款7000美元. Contact Financial Aid for current interest rates and fees.
- 补贴的联邦直接贷款需要以美国政府支付的所有利息为基础.S. 同时参加至少一半的教育部门(本科生6学时).
- 无补贴的联邦直接贷款是不以需要为基础的,贷款会产生利息. Students with an unsubsidized Direct Loan are responsible for paying the interest while they are in school; however, the student has the option of capitalizing the interest.
Direct Loan borrowers must:
- Complete the Federal Direct Loan Entrance Counseling online at studentaid.gov.
- Complete a Master Promissory Note at the same website. When you sign the Master Promissory Note, 你同意按照票据的条款偿还贷款. 如果您在过去10年内完成了直接贷款计划的MPN,并获得了基于该计划的资金, you will not need to complete a new MPN.
You may check your loan history at: studentaid.gov
研究生可以借到教育费用或总共20美元,500 unsubsidized Direct Loan.
所有财务援助文件必须在财务援助办公室收到,然后才能处理您的直接贷款,包括入学咨询和主本票 studentaid.gov
Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)
- 需要额外资金来帮助支付教育费用的父母(或继父母)可以借款,最高可达教育费用减去学生有资格在学年获得的任何经济援助.
- 家长必须填写一份Plus贷款申请及主本票 studentaid.gov
- Repayment normally begins after the loan is fully disbursed.
- 利息在付款时开始累积.
- 联系学生金融服务,了解当前的利率和费用.
Illinois Monetary Award Program (MAP) Grant
- 伊利诺伊州学生援助委员会(ISAC)为符合条件的伊利诺伊州居民提供基于需求的补助金.
- 受抚养学生的居住身份取决于父母在伊利诺伊州的居住身份. 独立学生必须在学年开始前的12个月内证明在伊利诺伊州居住.
- 由于资金有限,我们鼓励学生尽早申请,以避免资金损失.
- 申请MAP补助金,请在以下网址正确填写FAFSA studentaid.gov,列出伊利诺斯州的学校,并符合伊利诺斯州的居住要求.
- Eligibility is limited to 135 paid MAP credit hours.
- 获得75个或以上MAP学分的学生必须获得初级学位.
- Quincy University’s FAFSA code is 001745.
根据申请人的数量和伊利诺伊州议会拨款的资金水平,MAP补助金是有限的. Please be aware that in light of state funding constraints, reductions to estimated or actual grants are possible.
Vocational Rehabilitation Services
- 在职业上受到限制的残疾学生可能有资格获得所在州康复部门的服务.
- These services include vocational counseling and training, payment of tuition, fees, books, and job placement.
- 详情请与当地康复部门联系.
V.A. Benefits
QU’s FAFSA code
Quincy University’s FAFSA code is 001745.